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Short Answer: Natural Medicine
How Does It Work:
Helps to balance/restore people/pets mentally, emotionally and/or physically.
How Does It Do The Work:
"Take" a dose of a remedy via liquid, dry pellet, or in some cases olfactory.
What Do I Use It For:
Acutes such as seasonal allergies, poison ivy, bites, stings, bruises, colds, flus, heal faster from surgeries, ear infections, strep, recent loss of a loved one, in-grown toe nails, etc...
Chronics such as women's health~menses, thyroid, pregnancy, fibroids, cysts, etc...; also ADHD, stress, depression, anxiety, learning disorders, back&neck, fertility, PANS/PANDAS, Lyme, pneumonia, recurring allergies, mental health, etc...
Homeopathy is 200+ years old
brought by German physician Samuel Hahnemann.
Homeopathy is its own system of medicine.
Homeopathy is used all over the world.
Homeopathy looks at all the ways a person is who they are and is matched with a remedy similar to that same existence following one of the founding guiding principles Like Cures Like.
Homeopathic remedies are made from things found in nature including plants, minerals and humanely extracted milks of animals. Homeopathy is not to be confused with herbs and herbal medicine as the dilution and preparation methods of homeopathic remedies become water memory of the molecules found in the original substances.
Homeopathy does not have the toxic side effects as found with conventional medicine and chooses to heal a body from the inside out versus masking and suppressing symptoms deeper into the body.
FACT: in 1900 in the USA there were:
22 Homeopathic Colleges (BU, Stanford, NY Medical to name a few)
100 Homeopathic Hospitals
over 1000 Homeopathic Pharmacies
The ONLY Physician monument ever erected in Washington D.C. is of founding Homeopath Samuel Hahnemannh
Short Answer: Immune system education towards infectious diseases by means of homeopathic remedies
check out Free and Healthy Children International for more details
How Does It Work:
Homeoprophylaxis (HPx) stimulates natural immune system responses and enhances normal childhood development.
How Does It Do The Work:
*There are a variety of 8 HPx Programs for all ages targeting a number of diseases, administered by parents/adults, supervised by a qualified homeopath
*Uses homeopathic remedies for immune system maturation
*Easily administered orally as tiny sugar pellets
*Remedies are made in homeopathic pharmacies overseen by HPUS, a branch of the FDA
What Do I Use It For:
HPx is safe and non-toxic: Remedies contain no adjuvants, additives, chemicals, antibiotics or fetal tissues.
The homeopathic attenuation method renders a potentially risky disease agent to a mild form, which stimulates a mild, short-lived immunological response that builds cell-mediated immunity.
HPx is administered orally and touches on the mucous membranes, the same way natural disease enters the body.
HPx is the safest and most effective way to educate the developing immune system towards a healthy immunological response: [which is] the ability of the immune system to recognize a disease agent and produce an immunological response to reconcile that relationship is a necessary part of healthy immune system function.
HPx may not necessarily stimulate the production of antibodies as there is no physical disease agent that needs to be escorted out of the body. Rather, the general immune system (the ability to produce a fever and discharge) is stimulated. With sufficient stimulation of the general immune system, antibodies may in turn be produced.
Life-long immunity is the result of contraction of natural disease. Childhood infectious disease are intended to be experienced in childhood so as to mature the immune system. HP works to educate the immune system, mimicking the natural disease process in a safe and non-toxic way.
The 8 HPx programs: